
Showing posts from January, 2023

Microscope Manufacturer and Exporter - Microscopes-India

  BIOLOGICAL Microscope Microscopes are made to study the activities of biological specimens, tissues, and organisms. They are extremely small and cannot be seen with the naked eye. Microscopes can make tiny cells visible to the naked eye. They need to be exact in showing the cells of these tissues. DIGITAL MICROSCOPE This microscope makes use of a monitor to display the images that are captured in place of an eyepiece. There is no need to gaze deeply into the microscope since this one can show everything digitally and can easily show it to anyone by projecting it onto a monitor.  Best digital microscope  uses optics and an electronic camera to project the images that are captured on the screen of a computer. This type of microscope makes use of computers to perform sophisticated tasks. For example, certain software allows you the ability to record videos, alter images and edit footage, as well as analyzing 3D images, as well as much more. METALURGICAL MIROSCOPE The types...

Microscopes for Sale - Microscopes-India

  We offer one of the largest selections of microscopes, digital microscopes, and  digital cameras for microscope eyepieces . We also carry a large variety and antique accessories, and other microscope parts.  Compound Microscopes A compound microscope uses multiple lenses, namely the objective lens and the eyepiece (ocular) lens, to magnify static 2D samples. These lenses allow the compound microscope user to observe a large amount of detail in the samples. They are typically simple to use, feature their light source, and are convenient to set up. Our compound microscopes for sale are also lightweight, making them easy to store. What is a Compound Microscope Used For? Most of us remember using a microscope at some point in school, usually in biology class (or a science class that included a section on biology), and for most of us, it was the same kind of microscope. A " biological microscope " is one kind of compound microscope. Sometimes other names are used for biologi...